When he reached St. Peter, he said, "You better open up those gates. I've been waiting for so long and my appetite is great".
What do you get when you put three champagne-intoxicated goths together who share the single brain cell? You hatch a design for an enamel pin that's an inside joke of six layers, of course!
The idea for the Gatekeeper pin was born after the first Néant in-person event. The success of the event brought much celebration and brainstorming for what to do next, and the main theme of the brainstorming was, "Why do the sweets get all the fun stuff? Where are the joke pieces for the goths?!" So, in the following days, after the rosé champagne lost its power, the "I'm really serious about that joke, guys" came forward and the real planning began. After recruiting the help of our fantastic artist friend @rosenxkreuz, the design was made in just a couple short days and went into production immediately following. Keeping this in total secrecy for the past couple of months while we waited for production to finish was EXTREMELY difficult. With all the talk of gatekeeping in the community, the surging popularity of gothic revival, and our burning desire to jokingly label ourselves as the gatekeepers, we were bursting at the seams to drop hints but had to keep it back. But now the time has come to open the gates to all with the gothic answer to the illustrious Brand Whore pin.
Maybe you yourself are the keeper of one of the sacred gates, or some day dream of becoming one, or maybe you're just sick of having to say, "no, it's not a costume, these are just my clothes", then this pin is for you. Or if niche fashion isn't really your focus, and you're just a tired DM telling your party, "friends, we can't all be bards", then it's also for you. Or, if you don't want to gatekeep in any way, and fashion isn't your thing, and if inside jokes with more layers than a mille-crêpe don't do it for you, either, then it's just a cool ass design, okay?
The pin measures 2 inches in height and is just shy of 2 inches in length. Made from soft enamel on black metal with two posts secured with butterfly clasps.